Program Benefits
The Chino Basin Program delivers local water system improvements earlier and secures access to water supplies for the future.
Secure Water Future
The Chino Basin Program will deliver a new Advanced Water Purification Facility. The facility will provide an additional 15,000 AF per year of advanced purified recycled water that will be stored in the Chino Basin each year. Recycled water supplies will be available for local use, to respond more effectively in case of emergencies or extended periods of drought.

Wide-spread Environmental Benefits
Water supplies exchanged for releases from Oroville Reservoir to the Feather River will support the Bay Delta ecosystem. The use of this water will provide pulse flows in the spring of dry and critical water years to benefit native fish species, primarily Chinook salmon.

Timely Funding Opportunity
In 2018, the Chino Basin Program received a $215 million conditional funding award from the State's Prop 1 Water Supply Investment Program (WSIP).


Enhanced Water Quality
Infrastructure improvements, including a new Advanced Water Purification Facility, will store 15,000 AF per year of high-quality water in the Chino Basin. The additional advanced treated recycled water will reduce salinity and enhance the quality of local groundwater supplies.